Delete these four malicious apps downloaded from Google play store right now


For owners of Android smartphones, using the Google Play Store to download apps is the safest option. However, even Play Store is not immune to cyber fraud as many of the apps available there can pose risks like viruses. Users are now recommended to remove four harmful apps right away.

Attackers and spammers succeed in listing bulky programmes on the Play Store despite many protection levels, which hurts consumers. Security researchers have urged users to remove these apps immediately after learning that some of them are stealing users’ personal data.

Malicious apps contain Android Trojan

Malwarebytes Labs security experts have provided information on four Android apps that were offered on the Google Play Store and that, with their assistance, were supplying Android Trojan devices. The Android/Trojan.HiddenAds.BTGTHB Trojan is included in all of these apps, which have been downloaded millions of times and are all produced by the same company, Mobile Apps Group.

The harmful applications

If any of these apps are already installed or present on your smartphones, remove them instantly.

1) Bluetooth Auto Connect, which has received more than 10 lakh downloads.

2) Driver: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB

3) Bluetooth App Sender

4) Mobile Transfer: Smart Switch


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